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Modern roofing materials

Shingles, soft roof - manufacturers and a detailed description of the collection of materials


We offer shingles leading manufacturers:


Shingles Katepal

Soft tiles are also often referred to as roof tiles, shingles or shingls. It is a small flat sheets of size 1x0, 33 m, with scalloped notches on one edge. Tiles produced various forms (in the form of a hexagon, rectangle, triangle, oval, wavy, etc.) and has a huge number of colors (depending on the manufacturer).
Due to its flexible framework shingles has excellent water repellent properties and protectors, is simple and economical installation.
A distinctive feature of bitumen roof shingles - tightness. Most roofing materials require additional sealing devices, soft roof, on the contrary - is in itself a sealant. However, despite this, the installation of additional waterproofing underlayment carpet can significantly extend the life of bituminous coating and increase the warranty period.
находится пропитанный битумом стеклохолст либо органическая целлюлоза (иногда называемая «войлок»). At the heart of soft tile is impregnated with bitumen fiberglass or organic cellulose (sometimes called "felt"). Basis is fitting to connect the two layers of oxidized bitumen with various polymer additives, which provide the tile plasticity, strength and resistance to deformation. покрыта базальтовым гранулятом или минеральной крошкой, которые придают материалу разнообразные цветовые оттенки и защищают от климатических воздействий и ультрафиолетового излучения. The upper part of the shingle roof is covered with basalt mineral granules or crumbs that give the material a variety of colors and protect against the climate and ultraviolet radiation. нанесен либо клейкий слой специального битума, защищенный полиэтиленовой пленкой (самоклеющаяся черепица), либо кремниевый песок (так называемая, традиционная черепица), чтобы плитки не склеивались между собой при хранении и транспортировке. On the reverse side of shingles applied or adhesive layer of special asphalt that is protected by plastic film (self-adhesive tiles), or silicon sand (so-called traditional roof tiles) to the tiles do not stick together during storage and transportation.
The advantages of soft tile:

• small amount of waste, especially in complex roof (economy)
абсолютно бесшумная во время атмосферных осадков (дождь, град и т.п.) shingles completely silent during precipitation (rain, hail, etc.)
• soft tile itself is heat and sound insulator
не ржавеет, не подвержена коррозии и гниению shingles will not rust, is not subject to corrosion and rotting
• absolutely resistant to biological agents - such as fungi, mosses, lichens, and chemical acids
• completely waterproof and does not absorb moisture
• being an insulator, the charges do not condense atmospheric electricity, no spark, no increased risk of lightning strike the house (no lightning rod device)
• Do not burn out and needs no additional tint during operation
• Do not require additional devices to prevent the snow avalanche
• maintains a very high temperature (used in hot Central Asia) and very low (traditionally used in Canada), as well as able to withstand sudden changes in temperature (achieved by a special layered structure)
• lack of a "lateral", ie withstand strong wind gusts
легко приспосабливается к геометрическим погрешностям крыши, неизбежным деформациям при осадке здания, температурным перепадам и т.п., а случайные повреждения легко устраняются благодаря малым размерам и возможности взаимозамены элементов soft tiles can easily adapt to the geometric errors of the roof, the inevitable deformation during upsetting of the building, temperature changes, etc., and accidental damage are easily eliminated due to the small size and capabilities interchangeably elements
• light weight shingles eliminates the need to strengthen the supporting structure of the roof, the building and basement, and also reduces transport costs and the vertical displacement
• Mounting soft tile does not require special tools
• Ease of transport and storage (do not need special vehicles for transportation - can be transported even in a car)

We offer shingles leading manufacturers:


Shingles Katepal

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