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Modern roofing materials

Modern roofing materials

Modern roofing materials. What to choose?

Advertising leaflets are literally teeming with ads for the sale of various roofing materials. And our issue here is no exception. In our surveys on modern country houses, published this summer (see reviews in rooms 27-30), we are told about almost all roofing materials, offers the buyer the market today. In them we just talked about different materials, but never tried to compare them with each other, and certainly not talking about the rules of selection - in which case, what kind of stuff better. And today we decided to return to this subject.

Maybe this will surprise some of our readers - in fact not in season now, and for construction and for all of these conversations. For construction may not be a season, although this assertion seems to us very controversial (see our review in issue 33 of this year), and to talk, then certainly a good time. And the folk wisdom is fully confirms - "Prepare the sledge in the summer, and a cart ...." Now just winter, and therefore, it is time to talk about summer problems. We believe that today's talk will be of interest to those who are only going to start construction in the spring of your own home, and those who delayed its completion until the spring, leaving the rafters temporary waterproofing, such as roofing material. After all, those and other questions of choice of roofing material and the device most of the roof will still have to decide. And we hope that today's talk and topics and others will help avoid mistakes and miscalculations. No, we're not trying to pretend that we give all the answers or give some generic advice - it can do, perhaps, any one person. But to give our readers unbiased information, we will certainly try.

On what and on whom the choice of roofing material?

Actually all the buildings can be divided into two types: frame and major.

Frame - is when the carrier performs the function in a certain way filled frame, made of thick logs or planks (50-70 mm). Cavity between the framing members at the same time filled with some kind of effective insulation. These buildings frame type imply some lightweight roof. That is, the weight of roofing material should be "easy", no more than 5 kg/m2. This group includes materials such as soft , metal , Onduline, "etc. Such designs, we imported from America - there is just like a light pre-fabricated and relatively inexpensive design that can be easily disassembled and recycled. There they are, appear to have become fashionable in the period of settling of America by colonists from Europe. Not like you than any building - to disassemble and assemble at this place another shot in part using the old building parts and components. We must move to another location - also no problem. Dismantled, something took with him something (which you can get at the new location) Salvage immediately after disassembly.

In Europe, however, usually prefer a more serious construction. Apparently, this is also due to historical traditions. The buildings are transferred from generation to generation. From this calculation and is, as a rule, construction - great-grandfather built so that the great-grandchildren can live in a house built by them. Naturally, this means other than America's attitude to the construction and, accordingly, used in construction materials. In particular the European tradition implies a heavier roofing materials such as ceramic tile. Such "heavy" roofing materials have several advantages compared with "light" - that low thermal conductivity (and, hence, energy savings), good sound insulation. And, of course, aesthetics, because the piece material always looks much more impressive than the leaf. "Heavy" roofing materials, of course, require more serious in its bearing capacity of truss system. Accordingly, strong truss system must rely on a more solid wall. Well, more durable wall should be supported, respectively, on a more solid foundation.

Thus, the choice between "heavy" and "light" roofing materials must implement the customer himself, commensurate with their desires and physical capabilities. And this choice should be considered and implemented in the design of the house. After all, the project should include a set of interrelated technology-tuned stages, ranging from studies of soils at a specific site (the location of groundwater, quicksands, the quality of the soil), the quality of the foundation bearing capacity of wall and rafter construction and ending with lying on her roof. That is, if you're still at the design stage not included in the design of the relevant elements of the house, then later make a radical change has not come out.

With "light" roofing materials a bit easier. So when you chose it for them, then you will have an opportunity to replace one "light" material to another. But even here we can not say that such a change you make your ceremony. Here, each of the material requires its own characteristics in the same truss construction and replacement of material on the move may entail a very substantial additional costs. So here it is better to choose the material in advance and take account of this choice in the design. This method accurately.

According to existing rules and regulations of any roof structure shall be designed so that regardless of the weight of the roofing material (3 or 40 kg weighs square meter), it will withstand the load of 200 kg per square meter. In the figures for the central part of Russia is the snow and wind load, and, of course, an appropriate safety factor.

Why are we all this tell. Just approach us many customers who are trying, if I may say so, drop in already who quit the train. Man all his life cherished the dream of a beautiful expressive roof had already begun building a house. And when he came to us to buy a roof, he suddenly discovered that a square meter of the roof itself weighs about 40 kg. Add to that the very same 200 kg of snow and wind loads. When all figured out, it became clear that this man will have his dream part - no foundation, no walls or rafters for this load were calculated. Of course, he was very upset.

Certainly it is possible to figure which we call (kg/m2 200) does not listen. This case, as they say, master. But here is appropriate to recall the tale of "three pigs". Nif-Nif built a house and a roof made of straw in half a day, Nuf-Nuf day wove construction of twigs, and Naf-Naf built the longest time, but built a house made of stone. What ended the construction of straw and woven twigs of houses, when he came in pigs wolf, it seems to resemble not necessary. But Wolf merely imitated only the strong wind load. With the third little pig and his house all ended well. He was safe from all adversity: the physical, climatic, and even non-pecuniary damage. Simply it is properly considered all the load at the design stage. Probably not for nothing that he sang during the construction of a song: "I, of course, all the wiser. The house I am building a stone."

Well, seriously, about this same figure will never forget is not necessary. Customers often naively believe that the roof is lighter, the less load on the truss system and, consequently, on the walls and the foundation and the less problems with the operation. When we begin to consider - it turns out even a small area of ​​the house and the roof over their heads (total 50 m2) at the customer hangs 10 ton design. And that's not counting the weight of the roof and the weight of the rafters. The man in the horror is coming. After the ten-ton he was not taken into account. And to be frightened in fact there is nothing. With well-developed project, a competent account of all the existing loads, the corresponding truss system, evenly distributing the load on the wall, the construction of houses will withstand any load easily.

Let us now turn directly to the roofing materials themselves. What each of them has advantages and disadvantages?

Metal. For a long time it remains in our market, judging by sales, probably the most popular roofing material. Why is this so? Одна из причин в том, что строителям этот материал очень выгоден с точки зрения соотношения расценок на монтаж и быстроты, а так же технологичности монтажа. Ведь монтаж квадратного метра кровли еще год назад стоит почти 10 долларов. А что такое уложить один лист площадью почти 6 квадратных метров. Установка такого листа занимает всего несколько минут, даже если сажать его на саморезы (как положено), а не на гвозди (как это делается иногда). И эти несколько минут работы оценивались почти в 60 долларов. Сейчас расценки на работу несколько снизились, но эта работа остается по-прежнему очень выгодной для строителей. А кто же откажется от собственной выгоды?

Еще одна причина популярности металлочерепицы состоит в том, что она издали очень напоминает штучную керамическую черепицу. Но только издали.

На западе она применяется в основном как кровельное покрытие небольших сооружений в основном хозяйственного назначения: бензоколонки, склады, хозяйственные постройки. В индивидуальном строительстве он используется гораздо реже, чем в России. У нас на этот материал просто какой-то бум. Возможно, тут сказывается историческая склонность нашего потребителя к металлическим кровлям, а может быть просто потребитель всегда старается выбрать такую кровлю, за которой требуется минимальный уход. А тут предлагают как раз металлическую кровлю, да еще и похожую на натуральную черепицу. Видимо соединение этих качеств и дало такой всплеск популярности.

If you analyze the above table, then the ratio of strengths and weaknesses of metal is much inferior to ceramic tiles. She has a very low noise isolation that loft design house (that is, this design is most popular nowadays, since it allows not to lose a single meter of usable volume of construction) makes the suit more powerful sound and thermal insulation at the same time. Now, not many like to fall asleep to the sound of the drum of rain on the roof or the howling wind. Thermal conductivity of metal is also high. Consequently, good insulation simply vital. There is another feature of this material, which must necessarily take into account - this is the increased formation of condensation on the lower surface of leaves (the dew point is exactly on this surface). Condensation causes, such as difference of day and night temperatures. Condensate is produced in such quantities that it needs to take out. But that should be under a layer of metal lay waterproofing layer and the customers themselves, and the builders usually do not know or forget. That the customer does not know - this is understandable, but the builders are obliged on this property of metal know and remember. Installation of an additional layer of waterproofing, of course, will cause additional costs (~ $ 1 per square meter) and incur these costs no one wants, but it helps to avoid many troubles during the operation. Typically, a couple of months to come to us again and ask the builders to remind them that it was said there about waterproofing, when they bought the roofing material. It turns out that the ceiling in the attic just dripping water. Deteriorates and the ceiling and floor, not to mention furniture, and truss system slowly begins to rot. Naturally the customer's material claims appear to builders, and I must say is quite reasonable.

Thus, the need for the right combination of functional technology layers of roofing system is gradually becoming the alphabet and for builders and customers. That is, depending on your choice of roofing material should be the right combination of all other components of the roofing system.

When attaching metal willy-nilly violate the surface protective layer. And once the protective layer is broken, it creates a potentially corrosive danger zone. In addition, the large sheets are always a big line extension, therefore, with temperature fluctuations will go permanent loosening of fasteners. That is, the mounting holes are continuously expanding. These widened the opening time will have to gloss over some polish.

The modern market offers the buyer a metal roofing coated with mineral granules. Such a coating to the maximum extent mimics the natural piece tiles. The same mineral granules attached metal maximum heat and noise insulation. But the price of metal on the increase, approximately two-fold.

Copper roofs have always stood apart because of its high cost (> $ 20/m2). Nevertheless, such a roof is very much like it - over time it is oxidized or coated with a layer of so-called patina. Color patina - brown with a greenish tint. The advantages of this material is its high corrosion resistance, but that dignity is preserved only in full compliance with the rules of assembly. Violation of these rules, for example, have direct contact with iron or aluminum accelerates corrosion so that negates all the advantages. This phenomenon arises, for example, when using steel nails when installing a roof or installing skylights "VELUX" not with copper, and aluminum salary. Disadvantages in terms of condensation on the inner surface of the roof (which is connected with greater thermal conductivity than steel), this material is the same as that of metal, so the individual does not dwell on them here.

The disadvantages of all, without exception, metal roofs should be attributed the fact that they have the ability to store static and atmospheric electricity. In this regard, there is an urgent need for equipment of metal roofing system, the lightning rod.

Roofing materials . Major supplier countries are two: Spain and the United States. From America to our market gets "Shinglz" - characterized by rectangular shape of teeth - reminds the assembled roof brickwork. Materials from Finland are mostly hexagonal shape of teeth - assembled roof resembles a honeycomb. The most famous "Katepal, slightly less well known" ICOPAL. This material is somewhat similar to the familiar to the Russian consumer roofing material. It is a fiberglass impregnated rezinobitumom and top coated with a special powdered - rock dust, etc. In general, the powder material depends on the country of origin. Appointment of powder - to prevent fading, the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation and mechanical abrasion. And that spark of fire from a nearby site, accidentally flown in for your roof, could not cause her absolutely no harm. From this type of roofing is to provide a series of "Katri" from an assortment of "Katepala. He stands out among the other materials of higher quality design for color halftone transitions.

Прежде всего надо представлять технологию укладки этих материалов. Основой для них должна быть ровная деревянная поверхность. Лучше всего, если это будет многослойная влагостойкая фанера. Можно использовать и обрезную доску встык. И здесь надо тоже очень тщательно подойти к созданию слоеного пирога (кровля - вентиляционный слой - гидроизоляция - утеплитель). Некоторые фирмы комплектуют кровельную плитку вентиляционными доборными элементами (плоские, в виде труб и т.д.)

Безусловными преимуществами этих материалов являются относительная легкость монтажа и очень малое число отходов при укладке на сложной кровле, а так же трудновозгораемость и отличная звукоизоляция. Почему практически нет отходов? Да потому, что используется практически каждый обрезок. При переходе с одной плоскости на другую обрезал полосу - с обрезка и начал укладку следующего ряда. К недостаткам - возможность деформации отдельных "лепестков" при сильном ветре, но это происходит в основном как следствие нарушения правил монтажа.

У нас остался еще один "легкий" кровельный материал - "Ондулин". Но прежде, чем мы перейдем к его обсуждению, хотелось бы задать вопрос.

Есть такая информация, что "Ондулин" изначально предназначался для покрытия каких-то временных хозяйственных построек, таких как навесы, ангары и т.п. Is it really?

Если посмотреть рекламные проспекты и ролики, то можно сделать именно такой вывод. "Ондулин" действительно изначально предназначался для легких построек. Что это за материал? Это прессованный картон, пропитанный под давлением битумом и окрашенный в соответствующий привлекательный цвет. Он имеет целый ряд положительных факторов. В первую очередь он подходит для тех, кто стеснен в средствах и в то же время в состоянии заняться решением проблемы монтажа новой кровли по методу "Сделай сам". Материал легок, следовательно, его можно будет транспортировать от склада до стройплощадки даже на багажнике собственной машины. Он легок, и доставка его с земли на крышу трудностей не вызовет. (Снизу лист вполне может обвязать стропом и направить вверх даже женщина или подросток, а наверху с ним вполне справится один мужчина. Таким образом, никаких помощников для монтажа можно не приглашать - Вы вполне справитесь силами собственной семьи.) Не требуется никакого специального оборудования для резки листов. "Ондулин" комплектуется всеми необходимыми доборными элементами: коньки, ендовы, специальные кровельные цветные гвозди, фронтонные элементы и т.д. Продаются и вентиляционные выходы, люки и т.д., правда, в большинстве случаев (при простой форме крыши) ими не пользуются, предпочитая вывести вентиляционный зазор под конек крыши.

Scope of application - is a small building: Bungalow, sheds, garages or buildings for agricultural purposes. But above all, it's just a small niche of the buildings - up to 100-120 m2 roof. Use the material for the construction of residential houses (mostly summer and as we said hedgehog - small area) should not be afraid. The material is certified, the manufacturer gives it a 15-year insurance guarantee, of course, subject to the technology of its installation. In this case, called the real term of his life - up to 50 years. And it's given our climatic conditions.

The combination of all these factors makes the "Ondulin" definitely attractive.

On the basis of what considerations should be chosen roofing material, and as it usually does a Russian buyer?

It should be noted that the Russian buyer is basically conservative - not all of the new materials coming on the domestic market, immediately gaining the sympathy and take root. In the case of metal tile can not say that it immediately became the queen of the roofs. The popularity she has won not once. Been looking for a buyer and a soft roof , such as "Katepal. And each year, this material is gradually expanding its consumer niche, winning sales from the same metal.

Ideal or universal material is not there. For someone all decides the price for someone that is not the deciding factor. If the deciding factor is price, then other properties such as aesthetics, noise reduction, teplosberezheniya depart as if to second place. The buyer will simply ignore them (well, little man money, and the roof covering should be - there can be no aesthetics). The other seeks to get a lot of positive consumer quality and price it a little concerned (in fact, of course, people who do not care about price, does not happen). The third selects a roof, which none of the neighbors do not. Fourth, by contrast, wants to choose only such material, which would correspond to a neighbor and the neighbor on the right and left. When a person builds without the project, and yes even in a hurry, because I do not want to pay for "simple" hired them Brigades shabashniks, the more often the choice of material affects the acquisition of the convenience, affordability and ease of installation. But it is when it comes to small buildings. Those who build large objects such as homes for permanent residence, as a rule, choose the material carefully and long.

Proceeding from the above, the Board's choice of roofing material can only give one. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, considering even the materials that we have given in this review. Select a defining criterion (or combination of criteria): quality, price, appearance, etc. and try to balance taken from your reading the findings and determining criterion (criteria). On the basis of such a balance and make your choice.

Have there been each of the above in today's review of materials some of his features into the design of the roof?

Features are expressed in the relationship between the parameters of truss construction. For heavy section of roof trusses to be more and spacing of the rafters more frequent (minimum rafter 70h150 mm with a minimum step). For lighter materials the frequency location of the rafters can be significantly smaller and smaller and cross rafters themselves. It can be used bar 50h150 mm step rafters up to 1 meter.

Increased consumption of lumber in the truss structure under the natural tile is one of the impediments to its widespread use.

As we know there are flat roofs and pitched. For flat roofs, there is a huge market of roofing materials - mostly mastic or facing materials. But for them we say today will not. Pitched roof - this roof with tilt angle from 10 to 90 degrees. In our region, most slope angles range from 20 to 45 degrees. С учетом особенностей выбранного кровельного материала (см. таблицу) угол наклона кровли надо выбирать таким, чтобы снег, во-первых, на крыше не залеживался, а во-вторых, не сходил с крыши лавинообразно. Ведь лавинообразный сход снега приносит массу неприятностей - ломает сливные желоба и водосточные трубы и т.д.

А есть какие-то общие моменты, которые надо учитывать при организации любой кровельной конструкции, независимо от выбранного кровельного материала?

Даже при использовании кровельных материалов с низкой теплопроводностью, таких как керамическая черепица, "Ондулин" и пр., под ними хоть в минимальных по сравнению с металлическими кровлями количествах, но все равно образуется конденсат. И этот конденсат должен или опадать на гидроизоляционный слой и по нему стекать вниз к карнизу, либо часть его должна выноситься циркулирующими потоками воздуха, которые должны беспрепятственно проходить в подкровельном пространстве. Поэтому по стропилам обязательно должна быть проложена гидроизоляция. Её назначение предотвратить намокание конденсатом или задуваемой ветром влагой и самой стропильной конструкции, и слоя утеплителя, располагающегося между стропилами. Ведь такие широко распространенные утеплители, как "Изовер" и "Урса" просто теряют свои теплоизолирующие свойства при намокании и механически деформируются под действием влаги. В результате между утеплителем и стропилами образуются щели, по которым тепло просто выдувается на улицу. В этом плане более дорогие утеплители на основе базальтовых пород, такие как "Роквулл" и "Парок" ведут себя гораздо лучше. Они гораздо меньше боятся воды, но обходятся существенно дороже. Между кровельным материалом и гидроизоляционным слоем должна находиться двойная обрешетка. Контр-обрешетка - это брусок сечением 30х50 мм, располагающиеся вдоль стропил. Обрешетка - с шагом самого материала (в длину волны черепицы) располагается поперек контр-обрешетки. Таким образом, задача контр-обрешетки - приподнять кровельный материал для осуществления вентиляции подкровельного пространства.

Но тема вентиляции подкровельного пространства - тема большая и интересная. Она вполне заслуживает того, чтобы поговорить на эту тему отдельно.

Источник: журнал «Ремонт и строительство»

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