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ЧЕРЕПИЦА - это один из самых издавна известных кровельных материалов, выдержавший испытание временем. Tile TILE - is one of the most long-known roofing materials, which went through the test of time. Even the ancient Greeks and later the Romans used marble tiles and pottery.

Due to the emergence of new technologies, can now be seen as if reborn shingles. With the persistence of the market actually kind of ceramic (clay) tiles, new lower-cost manufacturing techniques exact similarity tiled tiles made of cement and sand (cement-sand tiles). There were various imitations of its made of other materials: metal (metal) and bitumen (soft tile).

Scope of tile

Tile can be applied to stone, brick, wooden buildings, both in new construction and renovation.

Modern tiles, like ceramic and cement-sand allows for pitched roofs of any complexity (from conventional gable roof to the most complex configuration - hip, gable, hipped with a dormer and dormer windows - round turrets with conical shape), but it must be remembered that the form roofs often determines the form of tiles used. For example, for rounded surfaces are best suited tile grooved form or type <beaver tail>.

There is a perception that a major limitation in the application of tile is its heavy weight, which requires a powerful device trusses and additional costs under the timber crate. However, it is not so. Proportion of its own weight of tile relative computational load on the roof is not as great compared to, for example, with snow load. A simple comparison shows that the design load for roofs made of cement-sand tile only 30% higher than for metal plating.

In applying the tile does not necessarily increase the cross section of the rafters, it suffices to establish the same rafters with a smaller step. For example, if a metal roof rafters need 150h50 mm in steps of 90 cm, then the tiled roof 150h50 mm in steps of 70 cm

Attention is drawn to the fact that an important indicator in the calculation load roof structures is not a single mass of tile, and the total number of shingles required to cover 1 m2. This value depends on the angle of roof pitch and the shape of the shingles. To determine the required flow, and hence the load, the producers of tile, there are special tables that can easily make the calculation. As a general rule, net weight of tile 1 m2 Private coverage ranges from 40 to 50 kg.

Specifications shingles

Such as ceramic and cement-sand tiles are one of the most durable roofing materials (lifetime of more than 100 years). It is fire-resistant, highly resistant to aggressive media and solar radiation has a high sound insulation and frost.

Because of the low thermal resistance under a roof in the summer of cool and warm in winter. The low thermal conductivity combined with the bulk material causes as minimal condensation on the inner surface of the tile surface. .

One of the main criteria that distinguish quality tiles, is a high density and low porosity, with pores should preferably be closed. The higher the porosity of the tile, the lower the strength characteristics. Moreover, more open pores, the greater the ability of shingles absorb and retain moisture. High water absorption is known to reduce frost tile (the ability of the saturated water capable of withstanding the required number of cycles of freezing and thawing). High porosity adversely affects also the permeability of shingles (the ability to pass water under pressure).

Tests of shingles on the water permeability, water absorption and frost are the main part of the quality system on a sound production, although the testing methods may differ from each other.

Until recently it was believed that one of the drawbacks of shingles is a variation of geometric dimensions of the individual tiles. The modern tile, custom fully automated equipment, is dimensionally stable.

Criteria for selecting tile

First you need to make a choice between ceramic and cement-sand tiles. Ceramic slightly more expensive, its color palette is limited to natural color of clay used (at the time the article was published), but the tiles more graceful and delicate. In cement-sand tiles much wider range of colors.

When selecting tile important is purely an aesthetic thing: the wave form, profile depth, color.

If preference is given to cement-sand tiles, then the choice of its acquisition to make simply because all the producers belonging to the concern Lafarge Braas Roofing, provide the highest quality products.

When selecting the manufacturer of ceramic tiles, you must ensure that:

• Production is a modern, fully automated, the appropriate certificate confirms the stable quality of the product;
• product range, including additional elements, allows you to perform the required complexity of the roof;
• producer has worked well for the objects sold in Russia;
• will provide the necessary technical assistance.

Source: know-house.ru

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