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Modern roofing materials

The warranty on the roof

Warranty on the roof: his way or someone else's experience?

That the seller of roofing materials to answer the questions "how much your roofing material is on the roof" or "what it guarantee? Vendors are responsible anything: from ten to twenty years, 25 or even 50 years, often adding to these terms, spell the word "guarantee". The objective response was usually nobody cares. Alas, the shortfall is so "sting" the budget for roof repair, that many are ready to beat them with promises of "security of 50 years, not really quality material. Besides, not even all the experts understand what is meant by "life of the roof" and "warranty on the roof."

The service life of the roof is defined as the time between overhauls of the roof. Warranty - the notion of a purely legal obligation and means someone (in our case - the producer of works or materials) to repair the roof at his own expense under the contract. For example: the organization made the roof repairs and roof ensures its repair at its own expense in the event of a leak in two years regardless of whether it is a consequence of marriage in the works or use of substandard material. It is obvious that the life of the roof more than the warranty period and is dependent on a large number of factors rather than simply on the "durability of materials."

Reliability of the roof depends on the following factors:

• proper design of the roof, how much for her design took into account the operating conditions, the building of the same design in Novosibirsk and Krasnodar, obviously, should have several different designs of roofs;
• Literacy materials selection, of which this roof will be made, it is important to ensure that supplied materials meet the stated specifications, ie the reliability of the quality system supplier; precisely this purpose, the product certification in GOST R system and a more complex international certification for compliance with ISO 9002;
• application of materials, the availability of additional equipment and auxiliary materials required quality, so, roofing material itself is good stuff, but for its quality installation requires not only boilers, and bitumovarki temperature-controlled bitumen, must take into account the temperature of the base and the viscosity of bitumen mastic; problems that exist with the asphalt roofs are the result, if not strange, it is unfinished technology applications;
• qualifications of the contractor: whether the contractor has tehnrologiey styling correctly complied with the requirements of the project, how good were the direct executors: workers roofers, roofing world practice confirms the fact that the majority of roof leaks occur in the first two years because of deficiencies in manufacturing operations;
• permanent care of the roof, its proper operation: rainwater hopper must be regularly cleaned of debris, junctions and other elements necessary to inspect for possible leaks; undesirable production of holes in the roof through the unauthorized installation of antennas and air conditioners, use of heavy metal objects to clear snow from roofs ; much easier and cheaper to repair a small defect, than the "fall" to repair the roof after a couple of years, suffering from leaks.

Operation of the roof requires investments of time and money, but the attachment is absolutely justified. Useful is the guarantee agreement entered into separately from the contract or included in it. It defines a "lifestyle" of the roof in coming after the device or repair of years.

It is quite understandable desire of the manufacturer of roofing materials and roofers to ensure more, risking less. Fortunately, many consumers are aware of the danger of contracting for the repair of the roof with the contractor with a dark past and uncertain future.

Under the Civil Code WARRANTY - This obligation SELLER goods (services) to address deficiencies goods (services) at its own expense should they arise during the warranty period.

Thus, the guarantee is divided into warranty on materials and work.

Usually the manufacturer works gives a general warranty on all roof, ie, for work and materials. Standard warranty on the roof of 1-2 years. It is quite reasonable to demand manual roof to the building owner. Correct operation of the roof is one of the major factors that increase the lifespan of the roof. This should be carried out such activities as:

• Control access to the roof;
• control the production of construction works including the preservation of the integrity of the roof membrane;
• regular cleaning of drains and escape routes of rain and meltwater.

There are a large number of warranty and the terms on which they are granted, but the main one is: Guarantee Agreement - a legal document relating to who should be appropriate. You should not rely only on vague phrases seller "we guarantee" or "manufacturer's warranty. Sometimes you can hear the real art: "The 50-year warranty on this roof material is guaranteed for more than fifty years experience producing company." Clarify wording require documentary evidence of oral statements, otherwise the warranty will be usable only on what to cover her head when the drip from the ceiling.

Consider ways of providing guarantees in various countries. The practice of long-term guarantees on the roof (more than 2-3 years) in Russia have not yet developed, and therefore interesting experiences of others. This will help you understand what is behind the statement "warranty - 50 years."

Normal practice in many countries of Europe is following the procedure of granting of guarantees:

• primary guarantee of 2 (two) years in this period, maintenance of the roof should be done by your organization is in the first two years revealed most of the disadvantages associated with the quality of performance of roofing work;
• after-sales service, maintenance of the roof is carried out according to a separate contract. The cost of after-sales service is low, but because customers are reluctant to such a contract. In Germany, for example, the cost of such services to a typical roof area of ​​2000 sq. m. 500 German marks.

This scheme is simple and transparent, but because it is now can master the "advanced" customers.

Not bad, if the manufacturer's warranty work supported by the material manufacturer's warranty on its products.

In the U.S., has developed the following procedure for the provision of guarantees:

• are guaranteed 10 to 25 years is only natural that such long-term guarantees dictates a very strict order of their issuance; nodes roofs with a long warranty period (20-25 years) should be made on other, more expensive schemes, rather than rabbits with a 10 - year warranty;
• warranty on roofing systems, including insulation, fasteners, roofing material, work must be performed by the contractor by certified manufacturer of roofing systems, in strict accordance with the "firm" guidance, all deviations from the approved manufacturer of components and circuits styling must be consistent with its technical department;
• Estimated cost of the guarantee is from 1 to 4 dollars per square meter. / M, each roofing company inspector checked the manufacturer for an additional fee;
• Warranty is issued to the owner of the building manufacturing company, in the first 2 years warranty provided by the manufacturer works at his own expense, then the possible repairs are paid by the manufacturer of roofing systems, how many leaks - many repairs, at least two a week, complete repair with removal of old roof - only the owner's expense, it is important that the decision to whom to entrust the warranty, the manufacturer takes the system;
• building owner must fully comply with the terms of the guarantee agreement for the proper operation of the roof, otherwise the warranty is removed.

Complexity of the issues associated with the provision of guarantees, the duration of her time employs a large number of lawyers who defend the interests of producers and homeowners in the lengthy court proceedings.

In 1997, "Firestone" (USA) has published statistics on the cost of warranty repair of roofs (see U.S. guarantee scheme above). Since the warranty paid supplier of roofing systems, their value is fairly objective measure of reliability. During the "unit" costs adopted in 1987

Such a large (more than 10-fold) reduction in the cost of warranty repair of roofs due to the great work on improving the roofing system, quality control system, increasing the qualifications of contractors, system implementation manual roofs.

Talk about what the mechanism for providing long-term (over 5 years) warranty on the roof has developed in Russia, it is too early. This will largely depend on what measure of responsibility for the condition of roofs will want to take the building owners.

The situation with the roofs in this country miserably. At the same time, most roofs can be saved if the conduct of their examination and repair of modern durable materials. The cost of avoided indirect losses can easily cut the cost of such repairs.

There are at least a few common reasons why the building owner or the operating organization does not follow the state has already repaired roofs. Budget constraints, the hope for the roof, or simply "out of sight, out of the heart - get out." In any case, lack of preventive inspection and repair of the roof leads to a premature overhaul, bringing to "no" to costly investments. The service life is good and right after installation of the roof can be significantly extended, really small cost and effort. In the end, significantly reduced the cost of roof per year of operation. Such an approach is the best guarantee of long life of the roof.

Source: Journal of The Evolution of the roof ", 2005., № 3

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