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Modern roofing materials

Ceramic tile

Roofing Queen

In 10 books on the art of building, published in the XV century, says: "In the end, having tried everything from the most diligent search, the death did not find anything more suitable for the roof than shingles.

Indeed, tile "is one of the long-known roofing materials, which went through the test of time. And today, interest in this material world is constantly growing, this trend has not bypassed and Ukraine.

Today the Ukrainian market is offering the developer a wide range of tile products. This is primarily, in fact, genuine ceramic (clay) tiles, cement-sand tiles and materials that mimic the shingles are made of metal, "metal, and bitumen" bituminous (soft) tiles.

Currently, these materials are widely used in the world. For example, in Western Europe in the new construction and repair of ceramic tile is "19% of cement and sand," 67%, metal-3%. But shingles is one of the traditional roofing materials in North America (U.S. and Canada), where these materials is covered by about 95% of all roofs.

And although for many regions of Ukraine tile "is not quite traditional material, many local developers have started to actively use its various forms in the construction of new and reconstruction of old houses.

Ceramic tile

According to experts, ceramic tile - the best roofing material for low-rise buildings. This is due to the fact that it possesses such qualities as durability, environmental, architectural expression, fire, and generally has a beautiful appearance. The service life of ceramic tiles for over 80 years. The disadvantages of such a roof specialists include: large weight (1 mg weighs 40 kg), the complexity of fabrication and fragility.

Ceramic tile is of several kinds: slots, Die, grooving band, S-shaped band, flat and undulating ribbon. In the laying of each species has its own peculiarities. The general rule is "the upper tiles should overlap the lower, then the roof will be completely sealed.

Tiles are varied and for other purposes. Skate and edges of the roof ridge is covered with tiles. The lower horizontal row of tiles obkladyvayut end, and vertical "side. To finish the roof around pipes, ventilation outlets and antenna use a special tile-block nozzle.

Overall, in the long history of tile was invented by many of its forms. And today, the experts identified three main forms of shingles:

• "flat" beaver tail ";
• "grooved" antique, Tatar, "the monk-nun";
• "wavy" Dutch.

With regard to production technology of ceramic tiles, it is constantly being improved. However, the base technology is still at three stages: preparation of raw materials, molding and firing.

Source material tile "ceramic (pottery) clay. It was stirred until smooth and add plasticizers to facilitate molding. Tiling made belt and punching methods. In the first" shaped strip, which is then cut into individual tiles, the second "tiled tiles are pressed into the metal forms. obtained some way or other semi-finished product is baked at a temperature of about 1000 "C.

During the manufacture of ceramic tiles can not be subjected to additional processing, "natural, engobirovatsya" matt surface coating or glaze, "shiny surface of different colors.

According to experts, the Ukrainian market of ceramic tile is almost completely controlled by importers. This is primarily due to the fact that many domestic producers because of the absence of large orders have been forced to curtail their production. Despite this, some of them (estimates vary from 5 to 10 companies) continue to produce ceramic tiles. On the market there is tile production Artemovsky, Slavic, Lviv and Mukachevo plants.

However, developers are able to cover the roof of ceramic tiles, are not always satisfied with the quality and the narrow range of domestic products, so they tend to prefer imported.

This could not take advantage of foreign producers. And today on the Ukrainian market a wide range of imported ceramic tile: from relatively inexpensive "from $ 14 to $ 16 per 1 m2 of the classic tile JAMINA (Hungary) and TON-DACH (Czech Republic), to medium-sized and luxury products" from $ 16 to $ 35 per 1 m2 , RUPPCERAMIKA, WIEKOR, ABC, MEINDEL, CREATON, ROBEN (Germany). Moreover, according to experts, the job of assembling the ceramic tiles is comparable to the cost of the material itself.

Speaking about the cost of ceramic tile, experts say it takes a special place in the market of roofing materials, and this is primarily due to its value. This type of tile available today in Ukraine a few. Even in Germany at the device tiled roofs only one in four Germans is buying a ceramic tile. The high cost of such tiles restrict the breadth of its application. That's why we constantly worked to replace the natural clay with other materials. The most successful was a technology developed in Western Europe in the late XIX century and using a cement-sand mixture.

Cement-sand tile

Technology for manufacturing cement-sand tiles continuously improved, and today it provides an opportunity to receive high-quality and durable roofing material.

Cement-sand tiles are produced by pressing under high pressure colored mortar, which consists of Portland cement, silica sand, alkali-resistant pigment and water. This roofing material is almost exactly mimics the ceramic tile tile, while retaining their basic dignity as Portland cement hardens in damp conditions for years, then the tile is gaining strength in service.

Cement-sand tile can be made virtually any color. Different shades due to receive supplements of acrylic resins. Acrylic composition interacts with cement-sand mixture before the start of hardening. Therefore, the color of the tile is obtained by an unusually stable and remains unchanged for many years. Placed a cement-sand tiles as well as traditional clay.

Scope of cement-sand tiles wide enough. It is used to cover the sloping roofs of residential buildings (both low-rise and high-rise, like stone, brick and wood), and various public buildings and structures of small architectural forms with a slope of ramps from 10 to 65. "However, the optimal angle is slope of 22 "and more" in this case is completely ruled out the possible ingress of water under the shingles during strong wind gusts.

Given the advantages of cement-sand tile (eco-friendliness and durability) demand for the roofing material is now the world is constantly growing. In addition, cement-sand tiles as well as ceramic, has a wide range of roofing accessories and components, allowing the roof to equip all the architectural form. Considerable importance when selecting a roofing material is its price. The cost of cement-sand tile two times lower in comparison with conventional ceramic.

All this could not affect the development of production, and today only in Germany, cement-sand tiles manufactured by 20 factories. Produce this kind of roofing material in Estonia (Est-Stein), Sweden (Benders), Finland (Ormax), Russia (Moscow "BRAAS DSC-1), Belarus (JSC Zabudova).

In developing the production of cement-sand tiles are not left out, and Ukraine. Wide range of tiles and additional items of equipment of the roof, offers a private company, "Dah" (town of Ostrog, Rivne region).. From imported products the most widely represented in Ukraine cement-but-sandy tile BRAAS German company Lafarge Rooging Europe.

Considering the cement-sand tiles, experts note that on the application, the technical parameters determining the quality requirements for the design of the roof, the nomenclature of accessories, installation technology, it is comparable to ceramic tiles. In addition, very similar forms themselves tiles. In addition, a roof made of ceramic and cement-sand tile "is a complex system, which in addition to ordinary tiles includes various additional roofing accessories and components, while the more complex geometry of the roof, the greater the need of such elements.


Metal "is the roofing sheets of galvanized steel with thickness of 0.45, 0.5 and 0.6 mm with a polymer coating. The quality of metal depends primarily on the quality of raw materials" roofing tape, which is made ​​from galvanized steel with a colored coating or application of this coverage after the profiling of galvanized sheet. Polymer-based coating does not only decorative, but also protective. There are several types of protective coatings.

Basic coverage:

POLYESTER thickness of 22-27 microns, depending on the manufacturer's warranty from 1 year to 10 years depending on the manufacturer;
matte polyester thickness 35 microns, more expensive than ordinary polyester but has the best. color stability, the guarantee of "10 years of age;
PRELAQ 50 thickness of 50 microns, similar to the coating pural, including price, guarantee of 15 years;
Plastisol (PVC 200) 200 microns thick, the thickest and durable polymer coating, but due to the presence of polyvinyl chloride, a number of countries considered to be environmentally harmful, a guarantee of up to 10 years depending on the manufacturer.
Pura thickness of the coating, "50 microns, has excellent anti-corrosive qualities, mechanical strength and color, the price of polyester is 20-30%, guaranteed for 10 years. In Ukraine," Purana is a proprietary trademark "Rannila Kiev.

Some manufacturers of metal, using new technology manufactured products, which recreates the texture of the noble ceramic tile. For example, a metal "MetroBond" (Belgium), covered with crushed stone, not only resembles natural tile, but also protected from fading colors under ultraviolet light.

The wide color range of products allows you to find the optimal solution for each individual project. Due to the relatively small self-weight of metal does not require particularly powerful truss structures, which ultimately leads to lower total cost of the device of the roof. The material allows for a complete sealing of roofing, technologically to install, has an aesthetic appearance.

Proceeding from this, experts point out that the Ukrainian market of metal is the leading roofing materials for pitched roofs. According to various estimates, the market segment of metal, about 70% of sales of modern roofing materials. This is supported by active development of the domestic market as foreign, as Ukrainian producers.

Imported products are represented by such famous brands as Rannila * Weckman (Finland), " MetroBond "(Belgium), Kami, Gasell, Lindab (Sweden), Centrostal Bydgoszcz S. A (Poland), Gerard (New Zealand) and others.

In recent years, and in Ukraine there were a number of manufacturers of metal: "TPK-profile" ( FEZ Yavoriv " , Lviv region). "Finprofile (Kharkov)," Albatross, "" Master Professional "(Dnepropetrovsk) "Gipron" (Mr. White Church), Arsenal Center "(Kiev), Centrostal-Domstal (Vyshgorod, Kiev region). and Rannila Kyiv (Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk) . The emergence of domestic manufacturers, has allowed cheaper production and provided an opportunity to respond more quickly to market changes. This is facilitated by the opening of enterprises producing raw materials for production of metal "color roll tape coated in Kamenetz-Podolsk.

In general, the market is already fairly dense metal is saturated with products of Western European and domestic production. In this regard, recently exacerbated by the assortment competition. An increasing number of the most demanding customers who want to buy a quality product that carries the properties of more than typical.

Source: Boiko AN / Construction and reconstruction. . May 6, 2003 (№ 5). S. 30-32

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