In the world there are several standards for encoding of colors and shades. The most popular of them - the standard RAL, developed by the "German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification RAL».
Under this standard, every shade of every color has its own digital code of four numbers describing the colors that have clear examples.
At the moment, the classic set RAL - it's 194 colors.
1000 | 1001 | 1002 | 1003 | 1004 | 1005 | 1006 | 1007 |
1011 | 1012 | 1013 | 1014 | 1015 | 1016 | 1017 | 1018 |
1019 | 1020 | 1021 | 1023 | 1024 | 1027 | 1028 | 1032 |
1033 | 1034 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2008 |
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 3000 | 3001 | 3002 | 3003 |
3004 | 3005 | 3007 | 3009 | 3011 | 3012 | 3013 | 3014 |
3015 | 3016 | 3017 | 3018 | 3020 | 3022 | 3027 | 3031 |
4001 | 4002 | 4003 | 4004 | 4005 | 4006 | 4007 | 4008 |
4009 | 4010 | 5000 | 5001 | 5002 | 5003 | 5004 | 5005 |
5007 | 5008 | 5009 | 5010 | 5011 | 5012 | 5013 | 5014 |
5015 | 5017 | 5018 | 5019 | 5020 | 5021 | 5022 | 5023 |
5024 | 6000 | 6001 | 6002 | 6003 | 6004 | 6005 | 6006 |
6007 | 6008 | 6009 | 6010 | 6011 | 6012 | 6013 | 6014 |
6015 | 6016 | 6017 | 6018 | 6019 | 6020 | 6021 | 6022 |
6024 | 6025 | 6026 | 6027 | 6028 | 6029 | 6032 | 6033 |
6034 | 7000 | 7001 | 7002 | 7003 | 7004 | 7005 | 7006 |
7008 | 7009 | 7010 | 7011 | 7012 | 7013 | 7015 | 7016 |
7021 | 7022 | 7023 | 7024 | 7026 | 7030 | 7031 | 7032 |
7033 | 7034 | 7035 | 7036 | 7037 | 7038 | 7039 | 7040 |
7042 | 7043 | 7044 | 8000 | 8001 | 8002 | 8003 | 8004 |
8007 | 8008 | 8011 | 8012 | 8014 | 8015 | 8016 | 8017 |
8019 | 8022 | 8023 | 8024 | 8025 | 8028 | 9001 | 9002 |
9003 | 9004 | 9005 | 9006 | 9011 | 9016 | 9017 | 9018 |
Presented color copied from these samples scale RAL. However, the colors that you can watch on your computer screen or pages printed from our website may differ from actual colors, so they are shown as examples only, and for more accurate interpretation of the colors refer to standard RAL scale